Tuesday, January 24, 2012

New covers!

So, I've been a busy beaver over the weekend and into part of this week. The first draft of Land of No Mortals is nearing the halfway mark for completion, and I've been doing a bunch of other publishing related things that have kept me quite productive. An artist by the name of Karri Klawiter has designed two covers for me over this weekend and start of the week and I thought I'd share them with you.

As we know, Picture Evil has gone through a couple of cover changes before. Nothing seemed to really work for that poor, disturbing story, but I think Karri really captured the heart of it with the cover she did for me. She did an amazing job!

The next one is for a new short story that was recently published in Dark Ascension: A Demon Anthology. Doppelganger really deserved its own spotlight outside of the anthology and Karri did an excellent job of designing the perfect cover for it. This short story should be available in a couple of days.

Pretty neat, huh?

1 comment:

  1. These are terrific covers. That second one, especially, would entice me in :-)
